Turkey workshop

5th LSE Workshop on Political Economy of Turkey

Event date: Friday 7th June 2024   Time: 09:45-17:00 BST
Venue: CBG.1.01, Sumeet Valrani Lecture Theatre, Centre Building, LSE (map) and online
Organisers: Orkun Saka (City & LSE), & Berkay Ozcan (LSE)

Programme: click here

European Institute, Contemporary Turkish Studies, School of Public Policy and Systemic Risk Centre at the London School of Economics and Political Science are jointly organizing a workshop on the Political Economy of Turkey. The event will provide a platform for researchers and policymakers to discuss new research and to identify areas where further academic and policy-oriented work is needed. 

The workshop featured a keynote speech by Prof. Ufuk Akçiğit (University of Chicago).


Programme Committee:
Chris Anderson (LSE)
Selim Aytac (Koç)
Selva Demiralp (Koç)
Aslı Demirgüç-Kunt (CGD)
Refet Gurkaynak (Bilkent)

Yaprak Gursoy (LSE)
Timur Kuran (Duke)
Davide Luca (Cambridge)
Adeel Malik (Oxford)
Berkay Ozcan (LSE)
Orkun Saka (City)