Time: 12.00pm - 1.00pm
Venue: R407 (FMG Library), 4th Floor, Lionel Robbins Building.
Speaker: Sujit Kapadia (Bank of England)
Title: Taking uncertainty seriously: simplicity versus complexity in financial regulation
Sujit Kapadia is a senior manager in the Prudential Policy Division at the Bank of England. His team is responsible for advising the Bank’s Financial Policy Committee on the design and implementation of cyclical macroprudential policies and leads on the Bank’s contributions to the international debate on reforming banking regulation in Basel and Europe. Sujit joined the Bank in 2005. In previous roles, he made a leading contribution to the development of the Bank’s stress testing model, RAMSI; led on the Bank’s input into the calibration of the Basel III capital requirements; and was a founder member of the Financial Policy Committee Secretariat. He also had a spell at the Reserve Bank of India in 2013, reviewing aspects of their monetary policy framework and assessing their financial literacy initiatives.
Sujit’s research encompasses macroprudential policy, banking regulation, stress testing, financial networks and contagion. He holds a PhD in economics from the University of Oxford.