Frank Page
Frank H. Page, Jr. is a Co-investigator of the Systemic Risk Centre. He was previously Professor at Department of Economics, Indiana University Bloomington.
Frank H. Page, Jr. is a Co-investigator of the Systemic Risk Centre. He was previously Professor at Department of Economics, Indiana University Bloomington.
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 25, 2
Dynamic Games and Applications, 13, 636–668
We show that all discounted stochastic games DSGs satisfying the usual assumptions have Nash payoff selection correspondences having fixed points. Our...
An important aspect of network dynamics that has been missing from our understanding of network dynamics in various applied settings is the influence...
Under mild assumptions on primitives, we show that all parameterized state-contingent games (PSGs) have upper Caratheodory (uC) Nash (equilibrium)...
We show that any measurable selection valued correspondence induced by the composition of an m-tuple of real-valued Caratheodory functions with an...
This paper has two main objectives: first, to provide a formal definition of endogenous systemic risk that is firmly grounded in equilibrium dynamics...
For a discounted stochastic game with an uncountable state space and compact metric action spaces, we show that if the measurable-selection-valued...