Kathy Yuan
Research Interests
Bubbles and crises, Liquidity
Heterogenous information
Mutual funds
Hedge funds
Network theory
Short-sale and margin constraints
Global games
Asset pricing
Bubbles and crises, Liquidity
Heterogenous information
Mutual funds
Hedge funds
Network theory
Short-sale and margin constraints
Global games
Asset pricing
Journal of Econometrics, 235 (2), 2125-2154
Journal of Financial Economics, 141(3), 831-859
The commuter hub was key to the spread of COVID-19 in London. The authors of the article estimate it contributed to over 42% of all London cases. When...
We generalise a stochastic version of the workhorse SIR (Susceptible-Infectious- Removed) epidemiological model to account for spatial dynamics...
The Review of Economic Studies, Volume 84, Issue 4, Pages 1789–1817.
We study effort and risk-taking behaviour in an economy with a continuum of principal-agent pairs where each agent exerts costly hidden effort. When...
We model banks’ liquidity holding decision as a simultaneous game on an interbank borrowing network. We show that at the Nash equilibrium, the...