Jeffrey M Chwieroth
Professor of International Relations and Head of Department of International Relations, LSE
Fabio Caccioli
Professor of Complex Systems, Department of Computer Science, UCL
Founding Research Associates
Current FMG Research Associates affiliated to the SRC
Daniel Beunza
Professor of Social Studies of Finance, Bayes Business School, City University of London
Current FMG Research Associates affiliated to the SRC
Yujing Gong
Lecturer in Finance at the University of Liverpool Management School (ULMS)
Current FMG Research Associates affiliated to the SRC
Shuaiqi Li
Assistant Professor of Finance, City University of Hong Kong
Current FMG Research Associates affiliated to the SRC
Khaladdin Rzayev
Lecturer in Finance, The University of Edinburgh and Koc University
Current FMG Research Associates affiliated to the SRC
Miguel Segoviano
Deputy Chief Financial Institutions and Lead Financial Inclusion
Current FMG Research Associates affiliated to the SRC
Andreas Uthemann
Principal Researcher, Financial Markets Department, Bank of Canada
Current FMG Research Associates affiliated to the SRC
Ilknur Zer
Principal Economist, Financial Stability Assessment Section, Federal Reserve Board
Current FMG Research Associates affiliated to the SRC
Current FMG Associates-in-Practice affiliated to the SRC
Hazem Danny Nakib
Founding Member, British Standards Institution, Digital Strategy Group