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LSE announces launch of an Initiative in Sustainable Finance

Is discrimination subtle or overt? Daniel Ferreira answers

LSE announces launch of Blended Finance Lab

Tom Gosling podcast on net zero commitments

FMG Research Associate Hyun Song Shin receives AEA award
Latest Publications
India’s Unified Payments Interface (UPI) system and its transformative impact on the economy
India’s Unified Payment Interface (UPI) is an example of how an innovative payments and settlement system can initiate an economy wide transformation...
DP 131
The one-in-a-thousand-day problem
Financial crises usually inflict the most damage when banks suddenly shift from pursuing profits to survival. This column argues that such drastic...
Phase transitions in debt recycling
Debt recycling is an aggressive equity extraction strategy that potentially permits faster repayment of a mortgage. While equity progressively builds...
DP 130