Why it doesn't make sense to hold bonds
Investor demand for bonds is very high. This column argues that this is surprising because under almost any likely inflation scenario, including...
On the financial market consequences of Brexit
Brexit creates new opportunities and new risks for the British and EU financial markets. Both could benefit, but a more likely outcome is a fall in...
Cyber risk as systemic risk
The threat to the financial system posed by cyber risk is often claimed to be systemic. This column argues against this, pointing out that almost all...
Insurance and systemic risk: No easy conclusions
The IMF’s latest Global Financial Stability Report devotes for the first time a chapter to the systemic risks potentially associated with the...
Stress Testing and Macroprudential Regulation: A Transatlantic Assessment
This CEPR Press eBook presents the perspectives of policymakers, stress test designers and academics on the remarkable development of stress testing...
Stress testing and macroprudential regulation: A transatlantic assessment
Since the onset of the Global Crisis in 2007-08, stress testing has emerged as a major component of the supervisory toolkit. This column introduces a...
Everybody right, everybody wrong: Plural rationalities in macroprudential regulation
Macroprudential policy has become increasingly popular in the aftermath of the Global Crisis, but it remains controversial. This column argues that...
Disaster and Fortune Risk in Asset Returns
Do Disaster risk and Fortune risk fetch a premium or discount in the pricing of individual assets? Disaster risk and Fortune risk are measures for the...
Tail Index Estimation: Quantile Driven Threshold Selection
The selection of upper order statistics in tail estimation is notoriously difficult. Most methods are based on asymptotic arguments, like minimizing...
Incentive Compatible Networks and the Delegated Networking Principle
We construct a model of a principal-agent game of network formation (over layered networks) with asymmetric information and we consider the following...
Shadow Banks and Systemic Risks
We answer the following question: Does regulating the banking network increase systemic risk in the entire financial network in the presence of...
The Internationalization of the Renminbi
This special paper discusses the inclusion of the Chinese Renminbi in the international reserve asset Special Drawing Right (SDR) created by the...
Exchange Rates and Monetary Policy Uncertainty
We document that a trading strategy that is short the U.S. dollar and long other currencies exhibits significantly larger excess returns on days with...
A response to Professor Paul A. Samuelson's objectionxs to Kelly capital growth investing
The Kelly Capital Growth Investment Strategy maximizes the expected utility of final wealth with a Bernoulli logarithmic utility function. In 1956...
Resaleable debt and systemic risk
Many debt claims, such as bonds, are resaleable, whereas others, such as repos, are not. There was a fivefold increase in repo borrowing before the...