Europe’s proposed capital markets union: Disruption will drive investment and innovation
The proposed EU capital markets union aims to revitalise Europe’s economy by creating efficient funding channels between providers of loanable funds...
Global Capital Markets, Housing Prices, and Partisan Fiscal Policies
In recent years, global imbalances have channeled the excess savings of surplus countries toward the real estate markets of deficit countries. By...
Multilateral surveillance: Ensuring a focus on key risks to global stability
The 2007/9 crisis and the ongoing transformation of the global economy call for a rethink of the scope of the Fund’s multilateral surveillance. This...
What the Swiss FX shock says about risk models
The Swiss central bank last week abandoned its euro exchange rate ceiling. This column argues that the fallout from the decision demonstrates the...
Averting financial crisis
Jeffrey Chwieroth and Jon Danielsson discuss the political challenges of the macroprudential agenda in the ESRC's annual flagship magazine Britain in...
The Federal Reserve as Global Lender of Last Resort, 2007-2010
Passage of the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill, in conjunction with a Supreme Court ruling supporting a Freedom of Information Act request, required...
Brave New World? Macro Prudential Policy and the new Political Economy of The Federal Reserve
The Financial Crisis that started in 2007 ushered in new responsibilities for central banks, particularly for what is termed “macro-prudential policy...
Great Expectations, Veto Players, and the Changing Politics of Banking Crises
How have the politics of banking crises changed over the long run? Unlike existing static accounts, we offer a dynamic theory emphasizing how the...
Reforming the Global Architecture of Financial Regulation: The G20, the IMF and the FSB
The global financial crisis that began in 2007 and deepened in 2008 exposed major weaknesses in financial and macroeconomic policy coordination, and...
Credit Risk Spillovers, Systemic Importance and Vulnerability in Financial Networks
How does the change in the creditworthiness of a financial institution or sovereign impact its creditors’ solvency? I address this question in the...
International Correlation Risk
We document that cross-sectional FX correlation disparity is countercyclical, as exchange rate pairs with high average correlation become more...
Information Asymmetries, Volatility, Liquidity, and the Tobin Tax
We develop a tractable model in which trade is generated by asymmetry in agents' information sets. We show that, even if news are not generated by a...
Capital Structure, Investment, and Fire Sales
We study a dynamic general equilibrium model in which firms choose their investment level and their capital structure, trading off the tax advantages...
The Optimal Consumption Function in a Brownian Model of Accumulation Part B: Existence of Solutions of Boundary Value Problems
In Part A of the present study, subtitled 'The Consumption Function as Solution of a Boundary Value Problem' Discussion Paper No. TE/96/297, STICERD...
Destabilizing carry trades
We offer a model of currency carry trades in which carry traders earn positive excess returns if they successfully coordinate on supplying excessive...
How insurers differ from banks: Implications for systemic regulation
Having completed the regulatory framework for systemically important banks, the Financial Stability Board is turning to insurance companies. The...